FUN, the Best Global Home-Based Business Program Under the Sun

Why You May Be Interested Working For FUN

We understand that this sentence might inspire a chuckle. However, FUN stands for Free Universal Network, our company name. We have great aspirations for our venture. That said, we cannot achieve these goals alone and require the support and intelligence of many to turn our vision into reality. We cannot promise you a bright future with certainty, nor do we expect you to leave your current job—please don’t do that. Instead, we hope to ignite your enthusiasm and inspire you to dedicate a few hours of your spare time to this initiative without affecting your current job. We don’t have a specific timeline for launching the program, hopefully in March 2025, as its success relies on the recruitment of new members during our pre-launch phase and our ability to find the right experts to create a robust program. 

We’ve compiled a summary of the roles in which we believe experienced individuals are essential. If your profession isn’t included in this list, please feel free to reach out and share how you think you can make a valuable contribution. Click on one of the links that align with your area of expertise. To add an internet profile, enter